sharp edges on every soul
scrape the skin raw
knowing how to traverse this complicated life
leaves our brains bruised and battered
reminding ourselves that “this too shall pass” doesn’t always help in the moment
being able to release trauma is an art not easily mastered but one so dearly needed to embrace
try as we might it is difficult to stay calm and rest when deeply needed
as sleep evades the addled mind
without REM cycles the imperative and restorative healing it provides can not take place
whose suffering is the focus when a myriad of pain erupts around us? The disruption of tiny souls or the life that hangs in the balance?
compassion for the walking wounded leads my thoughts even when I understand there is nothing I can do to alleviate their pain
blistering self doubt and thoughts of ineptitude riddle my mind and must be shared to be released
but released they shall be if the mind and heart are to be healed to move forward and restore balance